L4-402B 4th Floor No.77, Yuanhang Road, Xiamen +86 592-5316600

C&DYangxi Sales Centre

Time: June 19, 2016

Location: C&D Yangxi Sales Centre
Number: 50person

Event: Gratitude ceremony for Laffite’s customers was host in C&D Yangxi Sales Centre. Laffite is famous as “the Queen of wine” in the world, while in China everybody prefers to call it Car Wine. Since the price for a bottle of Laffite may be equal with a car. It is a luxury experience for enjoy it. Wonderful dance, beautiful music with colorful light, also wine taster invites you to taste the wine together and learn the wine knowledge. Fine wines and grommets are the best partner always, just imaging how it can be fantastic when the Laffite meets with world-wide French grommets. C&D’s organizers said, Greg’s food is the most exquisite and always make them feel relieved, also the taste and service is very good.



活动内容:拉菲红酒客户答谢会现场气氛火热,素有红酒中的皇后之称的拉菲,在中国更是有因Car Wine为人称道。精彩的舞蹈,动听的音乐,搭配现场灯光,还有品酒师邀你共品美酒,学习红酒知识。自古美酒和美食就是最好的搭配,当酒中皇后与闻名世界的法餐相遇,又是一场美妙的邂逅。主办方C&D的工作人员说,在所有的餐饮供应商中,Greg’s的餐食是最精致也最让人放心的,味道和服务都非常棒。
